CELLULITE Meso Cocktail has four actions: lipolytic, draining, slimming and soothing. It contains powerful ingredients that remodel the silhouette and relieve the sensation of heaviness with powerful microcirculation activation
Main Ingredients
ISO SLIM a complex containing 3 active ingredients for targeting cellulite and increasing slimming.
Bodifit a complex containing 2 anti-cellulite and drainage improving active ingredients.
Spirulina Platensis Extract is a microalga antioxidant that can reduce body fat deposition.
Allantoin is promotes wound healing and calms irritation with keratolytic properties.
Glaucine is a lipolytic agent that encourages existing fat cells to release fat and discourages the growth of new fat cells.
Caffeine dilates blood vessels and increases the drainage of the lymphatic system.
Sveltessence prevents the adipose tissue growth by inhibiting PAI-1. Helps to keep the body slim and svelte.
Lychee Extract helps reduce insulin resistance. Transcutol P and Arlasolve DMI improves skin permeability.
Meso Complex NFMC-30 containing over 30 active ingredients.
Professional Use Only
5 x 8ml Vials